Zakaria Oukaddour

My friends Call me Peanut


About Me

It's my pleasure to introduce my self..well, My name is Zakaria Oukaddour.Resume

I'm more Passionate about new Technologies, new Ideas and ways of Thinking. A self taught & an enthusiast programmer , trying to create magic with 0's and 1's .

One of those book that made me love that world Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking by Christopher J. Hadnagy.

"From elicitation, pre-texting, influence and manipulation all aspects of social engineering are picked apart, discussed and explained by using real world examples, personal experience and the science behind them to unraveled the mystery in social engineering."

Language & Technology

I love made different things into different environnement that why i made Some project for Linux & Windows & Web.

-HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C, C++ & SQL.

-Algorithms, Data Structures, OOP, Competitive Programming, Problem Solving, C.


For me programming is future & help human into breaking things and know a lot.

If you want to check all the Project that i work or i'm working on them check my Github Profile.

OpenSource project:

  • Transcendence This project involves creating a website for a Pong contest with real-time multiplayer games, integrated chat, and robust security. Utilizing NestJS, TypeScript, and PostgreSQL, participants focus on user authentication, customization, and a responsive Pong game. Security measures include password hashing and protection against SQL injections. Submission is via Git, emphasizing precise file naming for evaluation.
  • Webserv Nginx from scratch This project provides me with the opportunity to engage in the development of my own HTTP server. The objective is to create a server that can be tested with a real browser, allowing me to gain practical experience with one of the most prevalent protocols on the internet. Acquiring a comprehensive understanding of HTTP is essential, as it proves beneficial even if my professional focus is not primarily on website development.
  • Inception This project is about showcasing my proficiency in system administration using Docker, as demonstrated through the successful completion of the 'Inception' project at 42 school. I independently crafted Docker containers for NGINX with TLS, WordPress with php-fpm, and MariaDB, adhering to strict project guidelines. This hands-on experience enabled me to master the utilization of Dockerfiles, Makefiles, and environment variables.
  • Converse Landing Page Developed a responsive landing page for the Converse store using React, Vite, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. The landing page is designed to seamlessly adjust its layout and content to provide an optimal viewing experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • SO_LONG This project is a very small 2D game. Its purpose is to make you work with textures, sprites, and some other very basic gameplay elements. using mlx 42 library. Being a developer is a great thing for creating your own game.
  • Push_Swap This project will make you sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. To succeed you’ll have to manipulate various types of algorithms and choose the most appropriate solution (out of many) for an optimized data sorting. I used radix algorithm.
  • Philosophers I never thought philosophy would be so deadly This project is a training to multi-threads/multi-process programming with the use of mutex and semaphore. It contains 3 different programs simulating a twist of the famous Dining Philosophers problem, all with the same basic rules. This project is also a good lesson in C optimization as we need to save every bit of CPU usage we can to ensure the survival of our philosophers.
  • Minishell This project is about creating a simple shell. Yes, your own little bash. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors MiniShell will introduce you to the world of shells, which provide a convenient text interface to interact with your system. Shells might seem very easy to understand but have very specific and defined behaviour in almost every single case, most of which will need to be handled properly.



1337 Future is Loading

Computer sience (school 42 Network) Software Engineer


Bachlor of engineering web and mobile dev

institut supérieur des technologie des informatique de commerce et de gestion de Berrechid

• The "Skilled Technician in Software Development" is a support professional development and maintenance of computer applications.

high school degree in physical and chemical sciences, Ouled Hriz High School

• During my years i study in high school and that help me to learn more and more & give me the correct way to build my career as an IT Developer

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